SMEs and bureaucracy:
European Commission needs a real game changer

By SME Europe

SME Europe – the European SME Association of the EPP, reiterates its call for an Executive Vice-President for Better Regulation and Red Tape Reduction. Jörgen Warborn, President of SME Europe today in Brussels: ‘It is good that Commission President von der Leyen has announced this position in her Political Guidelines for 2024-2029. However, the future Commissioner can only be a game changer when it comes to reducing bureaucracy if he/she is also assigned the topic of SMEs and is given veto rights when it comes to the accumulation of bureaucratic burdens and the competitiveness of the economy.

Fellow board member Markus Pieper (CDU) adds: ‘The EU Commission needs a cross-sectional approach to the issue of economic competitiveness and the new European Green Deal. This can only be achieved by an Executive Vice-President with veto rights. The concerns of SMEs must not be left to a Commissioner with sectoral responsibility, as was unfortunately the case in the last period.