SME Europe Defence Initiative:
1st Meeting 2024–2029

On Tuesday October 8th, EPP SME Defence and SME Europe of the EPP together with Riho TERRAS MEP, Chairman of EPP SME Defence initiative and Vice-Chair of the SEDE Subcommittee on Security and Defence, organized an event on “SME Europe Defence Initiative: 1st Meeting 2024–2029” in the European Parliament in Strasbourg.
The first meeting of the SME Europe Defence Initiative focused on outlining its roadmap for the European Parliament’s 10th term. The meeting was opened with remarks by Jörgen Warborn MEP, President of SME Europe, followed by welcoming words from Riho Terras MEP, Chair of the SME Europe Defence Initiative. Horst Heitz, Executive Director of SME Europe of the EPP, provided an overview of previous activitities and the working group membership details, explaining that the initiative aims to bring a pragmatic, economically driven approach to European defence and security, emphasizing the critical role of SMEs in sectors like ammunition production, body armor, and advanced technologies.
The discussions highlighted the importance of SMEs in strengthening Europe’s defence capabilities while aligning with broader European defence goals. The roadmap for 2024-2029 reflects the growing involvement of the business community in shaping EU defence policy.