International Cross-border Trade: Challenges and Solutions facing SMEs

Working Breakfast in the European Parliament, MEP Salon
Tuesday, 14 November 2023, from 08H00 AM to 09H30 AM CET

Welcome & Opening


INTA Coommittee; Vice-President of SME Europe


Peter BERZ
Head of Unit for Single Entry Point for Enforcement, Market Access, and SMEs for DG TRADE at the European Commission


Statements & Debate

President and Senior Consultant of IC&Partners Group

Eleonora CATELLA
Deputy Director of International Relations at BusinessEurope

Vice-President and Head of International Government Relations of Alibaba

Bart Van ZWOL
CEO of WHC Labs

Managing Director of BeCommerce

Moderated by

Dr. Horst HEITZ
Executive Director, SME Europe of the EPP

Internationalisation and international entrepreneurship among SMEs remains a topic of considerable relevance and many challenges. Despite the existing policy initiatives and support schemes, only a relatively small number of European SMEs currently engage in
cross-border activities and an even smaller number report they are considering it.
Internationalisation is certainly not for every SME but given the significant role they play in our economies, if just a few more were to successfully transition to become international companies, either via trade or investment, the benefits would be significant. Consequently,
supporting the internationalisation of SMEs should remain a priority of the European SME competitiveness strategies.
With this debate we would like to contribute to the general discourse by bringing together the knowledge and experience of our network members, highlight unique and shared challenges across the industries and explore solutions.


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The publication of this document received financial support from the European Parliament. Sole liability rests with the author. The European Parliament is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.